Cambridge Women in Technology

About Us
Cambridge Women in Technology (WIT) is a Cambridge-based network for people who are interested in furthering the roles of women in STEM across the UK.
Through a variety of meetups, workshops, networking and mentoring opportunities for women at all levels of their careers, WIT is helping to support and grow gender equality across the STEM space by thinking globally and acting locally.
The goal of Cambridge Women in Technology is twofold: we aim to advance women in all STEM roles, from the classroom to the boardroom and beyond. We also aim to provide a network for interested and proactive people to meet locally, to discuss topics relevant to women in the industry and the wider world in the 21st century.
Join us if you want to learn with others, listen to interesting talks, get support from a broad network with a wide range of expertise, or simply meet new and like-minded people working to change the world!
“Sister, when you get, give. When you learn, teach.”
Maya Angelou

